General Infomation

The Parish Council meets at 7pm on the third Monday of each month except August, in the Community Centre.

In addition the Parish Council holds the Annual Parish Meeting ( March) and their Annual General Meeting (in May)

The agenda for the next monthly meeting is here the week before the meeting.  

Minutes of all the Parish Council Meetings are posted within 7 days of the meeting itself. They are then confirmed at the next meeting of the Council.

Minutes prior to 2014 are now lodged in the County Archivist, County Hall, Durham.

If you would like any further meeting about the Parish Council and / or the council meetings please contact Lesley Swinbank (Parish Clerk)

General Information

Hawthorn Parish Council holds four types of meetings.

These are :-

  1. Monthly Meetings
  2. Special / Extra ordinary meetings
  3. Annual Parish Meeting
  4. Annual Meeting of the Council

Notices of all meetings are published immediately  following the previous monthly meeting whilst all agendas are posted  with a minimum of 3 days notice ( usually 5 days is given) on the two noticeboards in the village and on this website. In addition the monthly electronic newsletter , the Hawthorn Round Up , includes a direct link to the agenda and previous minutes.

The Draft Minutes of all meetings are posted - usually within 3 to 4 days of the meeting itself. These draft minutes are then confirmed at the next monthly meeting of the council.

These can be viewed at:

Minutes  2014  2015   2016   2017  2018  2019 2020  2021  2022  2023  2024

Monthly Meetings

Hawthorn Parish Council meets each month (except August) on the third Monday of each month at 7pm in the Community Centre.

The notice for the next meeting is here and the agenda for the meeting is posted here seven days beforehand.

All members of the public are cordially invited to come along to the meetings which include a time for public participation when you can give your views, comments and ask questions.

Special Meetings

In addition special meetings are held as and when necessary e.g to discuss specific planning applications which are subject to external deadlines.

Annual Parish Meeting

The Annual Parish meeting must be held between March  and June each year. In Hawthorn it is generally held on the third Monday of March. The agenda for the meeting is here three weeks beforehand. The Annual Parish Meeting provides the opportunity for everyone to come and have their say on what and how the Parish Council is carrying out their role and also to listen to reports from other local and relevant organisations.

The Annual Report (2025) is also presented at this time.

Annual Meeting of the Council

This is in effect the Parish Council's AGM . It is held on the third Monday in May and is when the council elects its  chairman for the ensuing year, confirms its policies etc and elects representatives to various external organisations.