Council Information

The Council

Hawthorn Parish Council consists of 7 Members who are elected every 4 years.

The next election will be 2025.  In 2021 the election was contested for the first time.

The administration is carried out by the Parish Clerk.

Monthly Meetings

Council meets at 7 pm on the third Monday of each month , except August, in the Communty Centre.

Agendas are posted on the two notice boards:-

Outside the Community Centre & Junction West High Lane and Stockton Road usually 7 days beforehand.

They are also posted on this website here.

Each meeting includes a time for Public Participation when all residents can give their views , comments and ask questions.

Further information on how you can contact the Parish Council is available here.

Annual Meeting of the Council

The Annual Meeting of the Council is held at 7pm on the third Monday of May.

The agenda for the meeting can be found here the week before the meeting.

The Chairman of the Parish Council is elected at this meeting.

The Annual Parish Meeting

All Parish Councils are required to hold an Annual Parish Meeting when all electors are able to come along and ask questions of their council. This is held on the third Monday of March beginning at 7pm in the Community Centre. 

The Annual Report of the council is presented at this meeting.

Official Statements

The Parish Council places great emphasis on providing Value for Money.

The Council's Value for Money statement is here