2022 2023

Audit Information 2022 / 23

The Council accounts are examined by the Internal Auditor every year at the end of the finacial year but as the Parish Council has neither income nor expenditure over £25,000 it now is able to certify the council as exempt each year from a limited assurance review under Section 9 of the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015.

The accounts must still be approved by full council and the  AGAR (Annual Governance and Accountability Return) competed and published on this website. Full details will be shown below following the year end on March 31st 2023.

By law all interested persons have the right to inspect the accounts, and those registered to vote in Hawthorn can also ask questions of the external auditors.

Further information on how to do this is shown below.

This year the dates for inspection of the accounts are 9th June - 21st July.